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Melih Selami Ürkmez

Computer Engineering/Cloud Engineer/Devops



In the first year of my department, I was interested in python and c language. Then I turned to the field that I have been curious about since childhood. This area was Cyber ​​Security. I took cyber security trainings by taking courses. I improved myself by participating in related activities. Later, in the 2nd year of the school, since the school gave java and sql training, I turned to java and sql. In the meantime, I joined the big data analytics group and took part in machine learning and systems. I continue to develop myself in the field of DevOps. I work as a cloud engineer at Dogus Technology.


About me

Hello everyone. My name's Melih Selami Urkmez. I study at Kocaeli University in Computer Engineering Department. I'm studying in 3rd grade. I love learning new things.


 Google Cloud
 Microsoft Sql Server
 Cyber Security


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